
Kingdom Wealth Master Class
No limits, no boundaries
It all starts with a leap of faith.
S.O.W Wealth and Mastermind Club
Mission Statement: To fulfill the Eden mandate in Gen 1:28 by participating in and helping to procure the End Times Wealth Transfer (Prov 13:22) and building God directed resources that will assist in fulfilling God's plan to bring hope to a dying world. (Matt 24:14).
What does the SOW Wealth and Mastermind Club endeavor to accomplish?
We are creating a system of accountability by building a tribe of successful spirit led believers.
We are holding regular meetings which we call Masterminds, where we meet, share our goals, trouble shoot each other's business/wealth building issues and plans and create a system of accountability for all our goals.
During these meetings we will serve as a board of directors for one another.
Each Wealth Builder in our group shares their wealth building plan and gets feedback from other members of the group.
We focus on celebrating our successes, working on our weaknesses, meditating on the Word to create faith then putting action to that faith in order to invoke the wealth transfer in our lives as promised in the Word and further spread the gospel.
General Monthly Meetings every 4th Sunday of the month at 3p.m.
Sharing of Motivational videos and materials.
Sharing of real-world wealth building knowledge, tips and tricks, connections, resources and wisdom.
Sharing of monthly goal setting plans and feedback on the accomplishment of the previous months plan.
Prayer and encouragement to meditate on God's Word for faith and breakthroughs in the coming month.
Reconvene the following month.

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